На жаль, за вашим запитом нічого не знайдено


Так, вам ще дійсно не пізно купити велику квартиру або достойний котедж на ту готівку, що ви тримаєте у сейфі або на рахунку у Сейшелах. І держава дійсно не питатиме вас, чи сплатили ви з неї податки. Щоб в цьому пересвідчитись, можете проскролити до останнього розділу статті, але радимо все ж прочитати її повністю. Нюансів і обмежень досить багато.

Dmytro Saranchuk, Alexander Borodkin


The article is available in Ukrainian

Alina Ratushna



Ukraine is undergoing the tax reform nowadays, which is quite inconsistent, unpredictable and sometimes may bring instability to the business environment. The legislator is introducing significant changes to the Tax Сode and in a few months after, adopts other laws that change the rules established before...

Alexander Borodkin


The article is available in Ukrainian

Roman Yemets, Alexander Borodkin


If you or your company directly or indirectly hold an interest in a foreign company, the rules on controlled foreign companies may apply directly to you.


Starting from 1 January 2021, a taxpayer’s guilt must be established as a necessary condition to bring a payer to liability for tax offences of certain types (failure to pay the taxes).


Starting from 23 May 2020, the missed time limits for lodging an administrative complaint may be renewed and non-residents now have an opportunity to file complaints...


Alexander Borodkin

Partner, Attorney-at-Law

Real Estate and Construction,
Trade and Commercial,
Transport and Infrastructure

Volodymyr Igonin

Partner, Attorney-at-Law

Corporate and M&A,
Telecommunications, Media & Technology

На жаль, за вашим запитом нічого не знайдено

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