UKRAINE must be

Vasil Kisil and Partners.

Zero tolerance
to Russian business



A quarterly labor legislation review

Oksana Voynarovska , Anna Odynokova


The number of international technical assistance projects in Ukraine has increased more than by half during 2024. The number of organisations that implement them has also increased dramatically with an increase in their staff in Ukraine.

Roman Riabenko, Vitalii Meliankov, Vladyslav Ivanov, Daryna Liudvyk


Q&A about Investment Treaty Arbitration in Ukraine in 2024

Vsevolod Mazurenko, Oleg Alyoshin, Yulia Adamovych, Taisa Poetova

About us


since 1992

Since founding the firm in 1992, we have been working strictly in accordance with the law.

Aiming to provide an excellent level of service, we follow best practices of the law firms in developed markets.

We always comply with the conflict of interest rule and provide legal services only and within the legal frameworks.


Changing the standards of intellectual property protection. Concentrating on damages recovery. Predicting the scenarios of how the dispute will develop. Specializing in complicated transactions involving several jurisdictions. Extensive expertise in various areas.

"Dispensing an A-to-Z suite of services, Vasil Kisil and Partners is a one-stop shop for clients’ IP needs"

World Trademark Review 1000 2024

selected projects