Andriy Stelmashchuk - A Judge at the 10th Nationwide Moot Court Competition on Civil Law and Procedure Named After Prof. S. Mykhailin


Following the tradition, early in the spring the Economics and Law Faculty of Donetsk National University and Donetsk members of the Students’ League of the Ukrainian Bar Association have for the tenth time in a row hosted the Nationwide Moot Court Competition on Civil Law and Procedure Named After Prof. S. Mykhailin.

Each year, the students of law show an increasing interest in the competition as they strive to acquire arguing and debating skills which are vital in the legal profession, gain research experience, and improve their analytical skills, which are regarded as an asset by employers. Andriy Stelmashchuk, Senior Associate with Vasil Kisil & Partners Law Firm and member of the judges panel of the moot court competition, made a presentation, in which he stressed that such educational and practical events were important supplemental activities to the learning process at higher education establishments and contributed to better training of future lawyers.

On March 20-21, 2009, the competitors participated in a mock trial before judges presenting arguments for the plaintiffs and defendants in the case selected for the competition. This year, the event attracted participation of around 20 higher education establishments of Ukraine represented by Yaroslav Mudryi National Academy of Law,  KROK University of Economics and Law, National University of Zaporizhia, Ostroh Academy National University, etc.