Ukraine holds its First Willem C. Vis Pre-Moot

On February 27, 2016, Ukraine held its first Willem C. Vis Pre-Moot. The event was organized by Vasil Kisil & Partners and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla. The participants of the Pre-Moot included the teams from four major universities in Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the National University Odessa Academy of Law, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. The Best Team award was given to the representatives of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, with its student Viktoriia Ivasechko awarded the Best Oralist award.
“We all are passionate about international arbitration. Passion for arbitration unites everyone who gathered here today - participants, arbitrators and observers,” said Oleg Alyoshin, Head of the International Arbitration Practice Group and Partner at Vasil Kisil & Partners, in an opening speech at the Pre-Moot. “It is extremely important for university graduates, would-be lawyers, to obtain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. The objective of such competitions is to practice law and the Willem C. Vis Pre-Moot enables the students to experience the role of parties to arbitration and apply the knowledge of international commercial law and arbitration to find a solution to a particular matter. The Ukrainian Willem C. Vis Pre-Moot will become a traditional launch pad for a career in international arbitration and will help the participating teams to honorably represent Ukraine on a worldwide scale,” Mr Alyoshin said. He also announced the intention of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Vasil Kisil & Partners to give a series of lectures with the participation of the world’s best experts in international arbitration.
When opening the moot, Denys Azarov, Dean of the LawSchool of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, remarked that the existing legal education system in Ukraine did not always provide students with opportunities to gain strong practical skills of building a legal position and supporting it with strong arguments during the academic process. “I believe that such events may facilitate changes in educational approaches and enable future members of the legal profession to master the essential skills of a true lawyer,” Mr Azarov expressed his expectations.
The key objective of holding friendly pre-moots in Ukraine is to promote development of the professional competences of law students in the field of international commercial law and arbitration. The Ukrainian Willem C. Vis Pre-Moot has provided students from various universities with an opportunity to communicate with prominent practicing lawyers and get valuable advice and guidance necessary for their further participation in the competition on an international level. Such pre-moots take place in 100 countries, about 300 teams take part in the competition.