Vasil Kisil & Partners contemplates The Future of Transnational Litigation during the annual International Bar Association Conference


Vienna, Austria. During June 4-5, 2009, Oleksiy Filatov, Head of Litigation Practice, and Andriy Stelmashchuk, Senior Associate with Vasil Kisil & Partners, took part in the conference entitled “The Future of Transnational Litigation” which was organized by the International Bar Association (IBA).

The two-day conference highlighted a number of topical issues, such as the future for international litigation in Europe, specifically, the matters related to the Brussels Regulations, discussed the problems of choice of law clauses in international commercial contracts, as well as addressed some developments in US law.

The conference was attended by litigators, corporate counsel of major international companies, academics of law and representatives of various public organizations.

Participation in similar events is a splendid opportunity to discuss different aspects of European litigation, exchange experience, establish and develop professional relations with world’s leading litigators, corporate counsel, judges, academics, consumer association representatives, policy makers and other professionals involved in cross-boarder commercial litigation.