Vitaliy Kasko – partner with Vasil Kisil and Partners

As a result of the partners board meeting Vasil Kisil and Partners informs that Vitaliy Kasko joins the firm as a partner to head the White Collar Crime practice.
Since 2004 Mr. Kasko has been acting adviser to the Council of Europe and other international organizations working on criminal justice and human rights. Since September 2015 he is a Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) and since April 2016 he is a Member of the Board of Transparency International Ukraine, a global NGO on fighting against corruption. Since 2015 he is a Member of the Constitutional Commission. Until February 2016 Mr. Kasko was Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
“Thanks to supreme ethic and professional standards our firm has gained an impeccable reputation in 25 years. We believe, that jointly with Vitaliy, who witnessed the criminal process in Ukraine from both sides, we will develop the White Collar Crime practice to anticipate international and local clients expectations. As recently noted by a well-known US diplomat Daniel Fried, Values Have Power. We enhance the White Collar Crime practice to defend clients choice of values by all available legal methods”, said Andriy Stelmashchuk, managing partner, Vasil Kisil and Partners.
“I believe we will continue to struggle for high standards and values that have united us during the Revolution of Dignity. I am honored to join Vasil Kisil and Partners law firm to continue our joint collaboration on establishing the rule of law and developing a responsible legal business”, noted Vitaliy Kasko, partner, Vasil Kisil and Partners.