The Senior Associate with Vasil Kisil & Partners Mr. Andriy Stelmashchuk as an Expert at the Pan-Ukrainian Law School on Commercial Litigation


The Pan-Ukrainian Law School on Commercial Litigation as arranged by the Students League of the Ukrainian Bar Association is held in Lviv on November 21 - 23, 2008. It is a tradition for Vasil Kisil & Partners to be the general partner and sponsor of such events. The School on Commercial Litigation gathered more than 30 law students representing schools of law from all over Ukraine.

Mr. Andriy Stelmashchuk, a senior associate with Vasil Kisil & Partners and recognized expert in the Ukrainian market of legal services related to commercial litigation, has been invited by the UBA Students League to lecture in brief the students attending the Pan-Ukrainian School in Lviv.

Mr. Andriy Stelmashchuk delivered four sessions within three days at the school as touching in the subject upon commercial litigations of almost all aspects such as distinguishing commercial jurisdiction from other jurisdictions, recourse to a commercial court, injunctive relief, court rulings in commercial cases, etc. Mr. Andriy gave detailed consideration to some case studies arousing keen interest among the school participants and ingenious approaches to their solution.

“I am pleased to point out that the school participants are highly trained. Each of the session meetings was an active discussion of the issues raised, and participants were enthusiast to express their opinions and held discussions heatedly, and thus undoubtedly facilitated better learning of the materials proposed,” he said.

At Vasil Kisil & Partners, supporting law projects for students is one of its priority social activities, since participation of Vasil Kisil & Partners’ experts in such events is not only to contribute to the comprehensive and proper education of the best law students of Ukraine to all aspect of the legal profession, but rather to assist students to find the future area of expertise in the profession.