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Q&A about Insurance Litigation in Ukraine 2020

Oleksandra Bortman, Oleg Kachmar



On 3 February 2020 an interim head of the State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine announced through social media that the Prime Minister of Ukraine ordered the Inspection to conduct mass and comprehensive examination of the factories polluting the environment. The full list of such factories contains 200 names, according to the head of the Inspection, 100 of them (only in Ukrainian) are available to the public as the most polluting...

Oleg Kachmar


The article is available in Ukrainian

Oleksandra Bortman, Oleg Kachmar


Established in 2017, Azov and Crimean Black Sea Marine Ecological Inspections were expected to assure environmental control in seaports of Ukraine, and, for this purpose, they specialized in marine-related issues, including the pollution caused by ships...

Oleg Kachmar


On 01 December 2019, the Ukrainian Parliament in part brought into force the Law No. 199-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Improvement of the Procedure of Provision of Administrative Services in the Field of Construction and Creation of the Single State Electronic System in the Field of Construction”...

Oleg Kachmar

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