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The article is available in Ukrainian

Oleg Kachmar


The article is available in Ukrainian

Oleg Kachmar


Every year, tens of ships and vessels entering Ukrainian seaports get detained and stuck there. It happens for various reasons, including alleged pollution of Ukrainian seawaters..


On 27 March 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a complex regulation, amending several other governmental acts, with the aim to soften the regulatory burden and to improve the business climate in Ukraine overall. Among other things, the Ukrainian government substantially changed the rules governing the environmental control of ships in Ukrainian seaports, including the control of ship ballast waters...

Oleg Kachmar


In August 2014, nearly six months after the beginning of Russian military aggression in Crimea and Donbass, Ukrainian Parliament passed a Law “On Sanctions”. There was a set of rules creating a completely new legal mechanism under this short title...

Oleg Kachmar


In February-March 2014, Ukraine was mired in a series of appalling events of international significance: the overthrown of corrupted pro-Russian President Yanukovich followed by Russian invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol...

Oleg Kachmar

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